Maintenance and Small Works in Serviced offices
There are many serviced offices in and around London and the major cities in the UK.
The beauty of being the client of a serviced office is that you pay to rent a space in their building/floor and as part of that deal you get an office just the way you want it,along with a reception service, amenities, toilets, a kitchen, a lounge and meeting area all serviced by someone else. It means you can get on with what you do best, whilst leaving the mundane tasks of keeping your office compliant and maintained to the serviced office company.
The task for the serviced office is to provide complaint offices, regularly maintained and just the way the client wants them. This is not always as straight forward as it sounds, as serviced offices, when full, only have limited space and are only allowed access to the offices at limited times.
This is where C|S|M can help. With a clear understanding of the serviced office market and appreciation that we need to be like elves in the night that are never seen, but always around to assist in the fixing and maintaining of the offices, our teams can offer a service for a half day handyman for only £150 + Vat or for a full day £250 + Vat. It's not only a regular handyman service that we can offer to ensure that serviced offices remain fresh. We can also ensure that buildings, not only serviced offices, but any office, remain complaint, by offering PAT testing, 5 year wiring inspection tests, Water testing and Fire equipment testing, Flick tests and Dead tests to name a few.
Another issue that C|S|M can help with when it comes to serviced offices is a quick turn around in terms of small works. We appreciated that clients turn up and ask if it is possible to move, or reconfigure an office in the same week. C|S|M has a wealth of experience when it comes to changing the offices in a short space of time, with access to a skilled and qualified team that can respond quickly and efficiently.
I'm not sure if you are aware, but C|S|M offers a wide range of handymen services in London and the surrounding UK cities. For example our handymen teams can complete; re lamping, floor box moves, air conditioning services, drainage blocking, ceiling repair, whiteboard hanging, picture hanging, coat hook hanging, door lock repair, rubbish removal, minor wall repairs, flooring repairs, plumbing, electrics, duct vent cleaning, furniture dismantling, cable tidy and furniture moving. There are plenty more services the C|S|M offer, why not give us a call to find out more 01442 244117.
C|S|M can take away the burden of you having to worry if a fire broke out or if someone was injured at work, as long as C|S|M were looking after your compliance. We have many qualified members of our team, who ensure your premises remain compliant in terms of legislation and currently legal requirements. After all , when do you have the time to keep up to date with the ever changing legislation