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Maintenance for restaurants in London

With so many restaurants in the city, not only is it difficult to make the perfect choice as a customer, it is also very challenging as an owner to ensure that your customers are kept satisfied and wanting to come back for more.

The majority of the customers experience comes down to good food and good service, but it must not be under estimated how important the environment is. Can you imagine how annoying it is as a customer to go into the restaurant toilets and they are blocked, suddenly your entire experience of a restaurant that has supplied delicious food and a great waiter has literally gone down the toilet.

Sometimes it can be the little things that are annoying too, a loose tile on the floor causing the table to rock, a door handle to get into the restaurant is falling off or is stiff, wallpaper hanging from the wall or a toilet door lock that doesn't work properly. It is so easy for these issues to occur in a restaurant and they are so time consuming to sort them out....Not anymore...You just need to put our number in your contact book, then we can repair anything that needs it, or attend your restaurant regularly to make sure that we pre-empt problems and fix them before they even happen with a regular maintenance schedule.

There are many things that tenants are often unaware of when it comes to the building they lease. Most of the time the tenant is responsible for ensuring that the building remains complaint and this means being aware of the laws and regulations that relate to leasing and maintaining buildings in London and the rest of the UK. The list ranges from pat testing all electrical equipment to testing your water for legionella.

It really is important that you understand your responsibilities in terms of your building and ensure that these tasks are completed. A list of the compliance requirements are available to download here. Many of these regulations can be adhered to with pre planned maintenance schedules and regular handymen visits to ensure that you remain safe and so do your customers and your employees.

Don't let your premises let you down - there is no need to with C|S|M.

Please drop us a line and we will help ensure that your premises are kept compliant and maintenance free. Whether it's in London or any major city in the UK. Our range of services include handyman services, air conditioning services, re lamping, whiteboard hanging and floor box moves.